Since taking on the presidency I have been asked numerous times by muso friends: “So tell me why should I join, what can folk federation do for me?”.

In the beginning I tended to reply for example, by explaining how useful our new website is, in that one can create a performer profile complete with media, that can serve to all intents and purposes like a personalized  website; or perhaps I would explain how we will be promoting new social and performance initiatives for members and potential members to avail of. All of the above is true of course, however recently I’ve been saying: “How about instead you tell me what can you do to help us promote folk music in our state’ ’Isn’t that what we really are about? We are dedicated to this end. Support us and all will benefit. Join us, there’s strength in numbers.

If you are reading this in our bi-monthly magazine Cornstalk,  the work of many hands,  I hope you find it valuiable and enjoyable. It goes out to members of course, but also to recently lapsed members for a time. Like Folkmail, our really useful fortnightly ‘gig guide’, we are liberal to a degree in who receives it, not wanting to exclude old friends, and hoping subscriptions will be renewed.

So please check the label on your Cornstalk, or if you receive a virtual copy check the website, to see if your membership has lapsed. You can now join or rejoin electronically on the new website, or continue to do so by post.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Coral Vorbach for her continuing invaluable contribution as editor of Cornstalk, and Julie Bishop for her fastidious and unfailing work in compiling Folkmail.

If you are reading this on our new website, although it is state of the art for current software programs etc, it is only as good as the content we all add. So please performers, folk clubs, festival and session organizers go to and post your event details on the user friendly calendar. It might be sparse at present, but will soon fill up if we all use it. You will need to be members to add your content, but this is so easily done on the site. Then enjoy setting up your own performer profile which all site visitors can view, or which a personalized link you can include in all your publicity material will directly access.

Since my last report our committee has been brainstorming new ideas for social events, sessions and concerts, and we are also hoping to organise a weekend event later in the year, somewhere outside Sydney. We wish to provide opportunities to bring existing members together to reconnect, as well as to engage with potential new members.

Although many of us meet at festivals, folk clubs, sessions etc. we tend to identify in the context of that event. I am hoping that dedicated new Folk Federation initiatives will serve to give us more direction, focus and enjoyment as a group dedicated to the promotion of folk in N.SW.

So please all join us in our endeavour to revitalise our organisation, and together let’s make folk fed functional and fun again.

With Warm Wishes,

Brian Jonathon

PS: All members, friends and folkies welcome to come to our BBQ in Sydney Park on Sun 18th Feb., go to EVENTS for details