Sydney South
February 12 2023 @ 2:00pm
$20 Members/$25 Non Members

Our first concert for 2023 will be the WE MAVERICKS.

They performed for us back in 2021 and are returning for another special performance.

Lindsay Martin and Victoria Vigenser are the We Mavericks. Lindsay’s masterful strings and vocals meets Victoria’s magnificent voice and driving rhythms in an amazing connection that is hard to describe.
Bringing challenging originals, entertaining stories and incredible energy, this duo packs emotional punches but have songs to heal the scars.

We are very pleased to have them returning to play for SSFC.



Southern Sydney Folk Club


Shopfront Co-Op

88, Carlton Parade, Carlton, New South Wales, 2218, Australia

Coronavirus / Covid-19 Update

Please note that this event may change or be CANCELLED at short notice.

The status may not always be updated in time on this website. Where possible please check phone numbers, email or booking and Facebook links provided. Please ensure you comply with current government and health guidelines when attending live events.