Traditional Graffiti + PerSisters & Yvette Staelens @ The Dog

Sydney Inner & East
22 October 2022 @ 7:00pm - 10:30 pm
$20/18 cash at door

60 minutes each from

Traditional Graffiti  the exciting roots music band that has evolved out of Australia’s ever-popular gang of ex-pats, ‘The Wheeze & Suck Band’. Ian ‘The Pump’ Macintosh (Melodeon, guitar, Harmonica), John ‘Red Tips’ Milce (Percussion and japes ie: he hits things hard!) & Nigel ‘Muddy’ Waters (Mandolin, Cello Mandolin, Harmonica & Guitar) continue their unique readings of English-based traditional, ceremonial and contemporary folk material, but now embrace both the strong Australasian and North American influences that have influenced their lives over the years.

and PerSisters with a set from visiting UK folkie Yvette Staelens

After years of singing informally together at festivals, gigs, gatherings and sessions, Margaret Walters and Christina Mimmocchi have come together as the duo, PerSisters. Both are carriers of the folk tradition flame, with a passion for connecting people through communal singing, and they share a commitment to social justice and the environment. They sing powerful songs, passionately delivered, celebrating the lives and stories of women everywhere.

For two short months Christina and Margaret have had the pleasure of reuniting with their song-sister from Somerset, Yvette Staelens – folklorist, choir leader and ebullient singer.


Disability access. Back Hall, Annandale Community Centre, 79 Johnston St, Annandale

doors open 7 for 7.30 start, $20/18 CASH AT THE DOOR,  BYO, supper available

Enquiries & bookings –  email, or call Sandra  9358 4886, or text 0492 977 202


Shortis & Simpson
+ The Shiny Bum Singers