Sing Up Good is a community singing event, a ‘Flash Mob Choir’. At the event we learn a song in beautiful harmonies then sing it together while creating a Youtube video of the event. Check out the video here:
Rachel Collis is our Musical Director. She is an experienced choral conductor and is arranging a popular Australian song for us all to have fun with. You can come to Hornsby RSL for dinner and there are drinks and snacks available.
Sing Up Good is also a fundraiser for Mental Health Peer Leaders NSW. We are hoping to raise funds to help organisations to employ more Peer Leaders to run community-based, mental health support groups. Peer Leaders are people who have recovered from a serious mental health condition themselves. They feel strong enough and ready to ‘give back’ and help others with their mental health recovery too. This is good for the community, the people attending the groups and the Peer Leaders themselves.
Join us for Sing Up Good; sing like an angel, be in the video and feel good about raising money for mental health.