Alex Burger

Alex Burger performs original songs delivering thoughtful lyrics, sometimes tinged with irony, humour and social commentary, exploring themes of love, war, temptation, betrayal, and revenge. His musical influences include Leonard Cohen, Nina Simone, Stephen Lalor plus many more. His experience reaches back to school fife bands, guitar ensembles and his first rock band. And more recently, 10 yrs of performance, touring and recording with the mandolin ensemble Plektra. Also 6 years with the Leonard Cohen tribute trio, Sons of Love and Hate. Reviews: Peter Dickson – Team member, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Folk Club " an emerging performer on the Sydney folk scene, Alex will be one to watch"; Ann Palumbo - Song writer, performer and music judge "...a fine addition to any festival"; Mark Wilkes - President Southern Sydney Folk Club "...always a delightful performance"

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