Northern Resonance (Sweden) @ Humph Hall

07 January 2024 @ 3:00pm - 5:30 pm

Northern Resonance is the Scandinavian string trio that takes newly composed folk music into enormous soundscapes.

With their previously untested combination of instruments; viola d’amore, hardanger fiddle and nyckelharpa they let Scandinavian music meet explosive rhythms and grand chamber-like arrangements that takes folk music in a new direction. All members are highly skilled and accomplished musicians, rooted in traditional music. With an intense musical connection that is rare to come across, they invite you into their world of compositions. There is great life in their tunes, and the trio knows how to bring it out.

Their debut album that was released in 2020 got nominated for a Swedish Grammy and the band are now releasing their second album “Vision of Three”.

Visit their web site.



Wayne Richmond


Humph Hall

Phone: +61400803804
85, Allambie Road, Allambie Heights, New South Wales, 2100, Australia