FILM SCREENING + MUSICAL CONCERT + Q&A with filmmaker and cellist Ilse de Ziah and virtuoso guitarist Ian Date Living the Tradition, An Enchanting Journey into Old Irish Airs is Ilse’s award winning film.
Behind every Irish tune is an ancient tale of love and loss, of history and heroes. LIVING THE TRADITION is the journey of cello player and composer Ilse de Ziah around Ireland in a search for undiscovered secrets of Irish Airs.
A fresh account of Irish music and culture, The show includes De Ziah and Ian Date, who deliver a spellbinding musical performance with Ilse on cello and Ian Date on guitar. Beautiful renderings of melodies interwoven with captivating improvisations. They will perform music from their exciting debut album ‘Here & There’. Great musical beauty and a deep love of music and its traditions makes seeing and hearing them live a moving and transformative experience.